Real Deal

Acts 19:1-7

“Did you receive the holy spirit when you believed?”

“We had not heard,” they replied, “that there was a ‘holy spirit.'”

…they were baptized in the name of Jesus. Paul then laid his hands upon them, and the holy spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.

~Kingdom New Testament 

I only want the Real Deal.

Holy Spirit of Jesus I seek You.

To ponder, from William Willimon’s most excellent commentary on Acts:

“Luke would not have understood any conception of discipleship without the Spirit. The Spirit, as Paul assures the followers of Apollos, is not optional equipment for Christians, not some advanced degree which separates ‘Spirit-filled Christians’ from the run-of-the-mill non-spiritual proletariat. By virtue of baptism in the name of Jesus and laying-on-of-hands, all Christians are ‘charismatic’ (19:6).”

“Power is part of a relationship with the Lord who is personally known by the believer.”

“This faith is not simply about conversion nor is it only about wonder-working power; it is conversion into and power derived from a relationship with the risen Christ.”


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