Proverbs 10:12
Matthew 10:29-31
Two sparrows cost only a penny, but not even one of them can die without your Father’s knowing it. God even knows how many hairs are on your head. So don’t be afraid. You are worth much more than many sparrows.
This time 2013, I was returning from my hiking trip to Colorado. On that trip I was beautifully reminded of the greatness and immensity of YHWH. One day we saw no other human beings or man-made structures for approximately seven hours while trekking up to somewhere near 12,000 feet. We only witnessed the beauty of what He created.
Looking around at all that God made, I kept imagining Him saying, “It is good.” This had a powerful effect on me as I would also notice the little animals scurrying around. My thoughts can’t help but go to the fact that our Father is aware of every needle of every single evergreen out there, of every little critter running around the deepest part of every woods. An impossible human task for even one square mile!
How much more He must care for me! What have I to fear? What have I to stress over? “He is infinitely good, and He knows what He is doing,” as Brother Lawrence tells us.
I am so very important to our Father, and so very cared for every moment. Remembering this and being reminded of it is vital to living and experiencing Life that really is Life. And forgetting this, for even one hour, leaves me hopelessly on my own.