Proverbs 9:10
Wisdom begins with respect [fear;awe] for the Lord, and understanding begins with knowing the Holy One. [EXB]
Knowledge of the Holy One is insight.
Kinda like watching a movie on a disc with the director’s commentary selected. If you want true insight into the film, you watch it with this on. The director walks you through his or her thoughts behind each scene. Or, you can sit around with all your nerd friends coming up with your own dorky interpretations, some of which, admittedly, may actually be close to the filmmaker’s intention.
But why not just go to the Source so readily available if you want some actual insight? Press the freaking button!
If you want some real insight, select the Director’s commentary. Our Director’s clearest and most revealing commentary concerning Himself is available in Jesus Christ.
The more you get to know Jesus, the more you get to know God.
Directly get to know the Director.
You don’t need a bunch of other people to show you God. You need God to show you God. Seek Him and you will find Him. I promise you this. He rewards those who diligently seek Him.
Luke 24:27
So He began with Moses, and with all the prophets, and explained to them the things about Himself throughout the whole Bible.
This is one of my favorite verses in all of Scripture.
The risen Messiah introduces a new, Christological interpretation of the Old Testament. Just another day at the office for Him.
This is how we are to read the OT, with Jesus and redemption always in mind, for that is how it was written according to our Master, Jesus Himself.
Last nite at Barnes & Noble I noticed The Gospel Transformation Bible which is written with commentary for this purpose of reading the whole Bible with redemption thru Jesus at the center. It looks awesome, I must say.
Luke 24:46-47
“This is what is written,” He said. “The Messiah must suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and in His name repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, must be announced to all the nations, beginning with Jerusalem.”
Repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed.
Repentance is good, necessary, and powerful.
Turn away from that which takes you away from God.
He wants you. And He wants you to have His joy. So anything that robs you of joy, of intimate relationship with Him, He wants you to walk away from, not to deprive you of what you want, but rather to give you what you really need, and deep down, what you ultimately desire.
What we all truly desire is connection and belonging. There’s no escaping this, it’s just science. Even so-called “secular” science has shown this to be true, that we are all hard-wried for this–connection.
There’s really no negative to repentance when you think about it. It essentially liberates us from enslavement to our own ignorance.
We go from thinking that playing with toys in the sandbox is the greatest thing in the world, then years later we think sex is the greatest thing in the world, then you experience the presence of God….and you realize there is nothing in this world that can compare. But until you genuinely experience God’s love, you are just playing in the sandbox.