Tag Archives: bossis

Good Friday-It Is Done For You

So much was done on the cross.

It is the high point of John’s gospel account.

How difficult to comprehend this act, this turning point of the universe….Unable to speak profoundly on this profundity, I resonate with these words recorded by Gabrielle Bossis as she heard them from Jesus in 1939:

When the love of the cross sinks deep into a person, he lives in a joy that the world can never know. For the world has only pleasures, but joy belongs to Me and Mine, My friend.

The cross–it is finished. About all we can do is let it sink in, deeper and deeper and deeper. And you will experience more and more and more Life. Then you will be unable to suppress a response to it.

Along these lines of being overwhelmed with the love of the cross, and pondering the fact that there’s so much we cannot do-because we would have to be God to do it, I’d like to share this “Prayer of Contentment” that has spoken to me in the unique season of life I have been in the last year and a half. I hope that something from it will be an inspiration for you too.

May I simply do whatever I can, each day, and be content and satisfied in that. Leaving what is unfinished in Your hands, trusting in You to complete what I am unable to. Tho I want to get to everything, I know that I cannot, nor should I because I’m not meant to. Thank You for seeing to running the universe, and for entrusting a very tiny but important portion of it to me that only I can do. Please keep me in my place, relying on You, doing what I’m made to do. All glory, praise, and honor to You for creating me as one of Your imagers. Clean the mirror of my soul that it may more and more clearly reflect who You are. Guide and instruct me to remove all obstacles blocking a clear reflection. All for the sake of Him who suffered and died for me, who knows me best, who knows best. Amen.