Soul Health


So we’ve been talking about the energy we run on day to day–how we are made to run on the fuel of God Himself. Yesterday we threw out the question “How do we drink from the Well of Living Water which is Jesus?”

First off, I’d like to put forth two sentences that have been very helpful and shaping in my journey:

A soul is healthy to the extent that it maintains a strong connection and receptivity to God.


The strength of a relationship is determined by the quality and frequency of your interactions.


Where I see the most neglect in the spiritual life these days is a lack of authentic prayer.

How do we drink from the Well of Living Water? Authentic, focused time with God.

There are public practices of worship and teaching, as well as interpersonal practices of spiritual friendship or partnership. Very important. But where I see the most lack is personal connection to God individually.

We drink via directed, focused attention. To simply take a minimum amount of, say, seven minutes a day to direct your attention to nothing but God alone, shutting out all else (difficult at first but gets easier over time) to connect with and receive from God.

How could this look?

Perhaps just a check-in or run-through of your day with God, taking time to notice He was there every minute.

Maybe going through all you are grateful for from the previous day in a personal dialogue with God, not merely writing down what you’re thankful for as we have advocated here in the past. That is good for you, but it is conversing with Jesus that maintains that connection with Him.

It could be reading just one verse of Scripture in the morning for those seven plus minutes, and then chewing on it all day with God. Or maybe even just one word from one verse in order to open yourself up to what God may be saying to you through it.

To just sit in silence with God “unagenda-ed” and undefended, in order to receive what you most need–Himself.

Even science is showing that we are losing our ability to focus on one thing for an extended period of time, and we are paying dearly for it–losing sense of who we are, and of who God is.

How we drink from the well and maintain the health of our soul is directed, focused attention upon God in a posture of receptivity. This may or may not include words.

To put it succinctly:


Authentic prayer of the heart.

2 thoughts on “Soul Health”

  1. Thank you so much for this, Rob!

    As you know, I am actively working on both thoughtful, dedicated prayer and seeking the genuine Spirit to fill my heart with the “right” words and “right” actions to guide my day as He sees fit.

    This journey has been about doing what I know is difficult, but acknowledging that our Living God is tapping me on the shoulder as a gentle reminder to get going already!

    I AM thirsty, but the radio waves go silent sometimes. I have to wonder what I’m missing: is He waiting for more authenticity, more fearless concern for Him, more devout, penitent requests for Forgiveness before He speaks more into my soul? Or are my prayers just fine and I am waiting on Him to get back on the line?

    I have faith and am not complaining. I feel concentrated prayer has been helping with my life so much, and I very much agree with and appreciate the Mt. Everest analogy. I know I can never be godlike but for what the Lord has allowed me with my personal gifts and strengths. I will continue to strive for excellence and forgive myself for falling short of perfection. I know I am unworthy of His Grace and He gives it so fully, who am I to say no?

    I will continue reading Mr. Pallikan. Thank you again!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Brendan! It has been an awesome and inspiring privilege to be witness to your tremendous growth these past years–what God has done in your life is quite incredible.

      It’s stories like yours that help encourage us to keep doing good.

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