Our Desperate Need for Encouragement

But encourage one another every day, as long as it’s called “Today”, so that none of you may become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. ~HEBREWS 3:13

It feels as though there is an acute need for daily encouragement these days more than ever. This feeling stems, at least in part, from the screaming and seemingly ubiquitous voices of negativity, thanks to technological advances which give amplification to more opinions than our ancestors would have been able to hear in several lifetimes. The sheer number of people we can (and perhaps are subjected to) see and hear in a given week alone is enough to overload you; and then if a significant portion of that cacophony is negative in some way, or flat out false, it is more than sufficient to assist someone in finding madness. On top of that, there’s whatever effect the last three and a half years have had on us. I’m sure many movies will come out someday to expound upon that experience with its many social implications.

All that to simply say it is of the utmost importance that we keep encouraging each other daily.

As the verse says, so that we do not become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin, and I wonder if we could say today, “by the deceitfulness of social media and fear-mongering news outlets.” I must admit that I have become full-blown cynic when it comes to politicians. So in that way I have indeed become hardened.

Lately, I’ve been thinking of how wonderful it is to receive a good word, whether it be a story of someone helping another person or aiding an animal, or perhaps a personally affirming compliment, or of course cute kitten videos–the best use of the internet by far.

Oh the immense efficacy of encouraging someone everyday! Please, may I encourage you to think of someone everyday to give a word of affirmation to. And may I say that the best way to begin, which I have found, is by praying earnestly and specifically for people you know. This enflames your heart for persons in your life, and facilitates clarity and purity of mind toward them. Another way this can look, for me, is simply sitting in a listening posture, and the Spirit of Jesus is so very faithful at placing someone on my heart who needs a word, and sometimes the Holy Spirit even supplies the specific blessing to speak.

This goes such a long way.

Just think back on the times you’ve been noticed by someone for a beautiful trait you possess, or some effort you put in which someone lovingly brought attention to. It’s incredibly inspiring, is it not? You are reminded that your action was indeed meaningful and that you really do matter. We may know on paper that we are of infinite value to God, but if we go a long time without hearing it via other humans, it becomes rather easy to forget experientially just how cherished we are by the Almighty, let alone anyone else!

How we need to spread more and more of this kind of positivity and affirmation; there’s plenty of judgment to go around already, much of it against ourselves, so let’s get shifting those scales the other direction and put into the ether what is lacking, shall we?

Everyone desperately needs encouragement.

Someone gravely needs to hear from you today….

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