November 14 / Proverbs 14 / Luke 1


Proverbs 14:9

Fools don’t care if they sin, but honest people work at being right.

You are in a very dangerous place if your heart is hardened to any sin.  If there’s anything you’ve grown accustomed to and stopped fighting, take a step back and look at it again through God’s eyes.  We are not made to just live with certain sins, to walk through life with a limp of undefeated disease.

We are more than conquerors through Christ.

He likes you and desires for you to live in victory, release, peace, and freedom.

We do not believe for one second it is His will that you live in failure. To live alongside that which robs you of joy and abundance.


Luke [overview]

 Luke, the longest book in the NT is the most comprehensive & precise of the Gospels. The combined books of Luke & Acts
constitute 28 percent of the NT, making Luke the most prolific of its contributors (2,138 verses; Paul wrote 2,033). Not only
was this gospel carefully recorded & documented, but it was also written in the most refined Greek in the NT- only the
Epistle to the Hebrews is comparable. Luke’s large vocabulary & great breadth of expressions & constructions give his
work a literary richness & beauty that make his gospel the favorite of many. Luke alone contains the four beautiful hymns
commonly known as the Magnificat of Mary (1:46-55), the Benedictus of Zacharias (1:67-79), the Gloria in Excelsis of the heavenly host (2:14), and the Nunc Dimittis of Simeon (2:28-32).


-from Talk Thru The Bible


 Luke 1:68-79

Jesus has dealt with and defeated our enemies–the cosmic forces that would seek to keep us from full fellowship with God.

His power is now our power for the taking and relying upon.

His kingdom can and will reign thru us who appropriate His resurrection power in this world now in order to usher in what He started two millennia ago.

As stated above, the only reason to live in defeat is choice–choice to ignore God’s redemption and victory, our refusal to rely upon that which is all powerful and all loving.

Choose to live in the victory that has been won for you already.










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