1 Peter 1:6-7
Yes, it mat well be necessary that, for a while, you may have to suffer trials and tests of all sorts.
But this is so that the true value of your faith may be discovered.
A couple months back I practiced lectio divina through 1 Peter, which is a meditative form of reading consisting these four parts:
Reading, meditation, prayer, contemplation.
If you’d like to read more about this practice, you may do so here.
So I thought I’d share some of what I heard as I went through 1 Peter in this manner. And I will say that this is the way I read Scripture most all of the time now because of how deeply it is allowed to sink in to my heart, as opposed to gathering more information for head knowledge.
OK, here we go…
To know the true taste of your faith, and experience its nourishment, you may have to drink the cup of suffering–of trials and tests.
To see something, whatever obstructs its view must be cast aside.
The idol of comfort is burned away in the fires of purification. Comfort sedates, anesthetizes. Purgation enlivens, sharpens focus, molds us into the Son.