Mystery Completed

“The Second Coming of Jesus Christ” by Ron DiCianni

Revelation 10:6-7

This was the oath: that there would be no more time, but that God’s mystery would be completed in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, who was going to blow his trumpet.

That is what he had announced to his servants the prophets.

The mystery plan from before the foundation of the world, according to Paul, was Jesus Christ.

In the end, this mystery will be completed.

God wins.

Go figure.

Some days, when we might be feeling overwhelmed, we may just say with Julian of Norwich that in the end,

“All will be well. And all manner of things will be well.”

Or in times of unknowing and confusion, we pray with A.W. Tozer,

“O Lord, thou knowest!”

Sometimes that’s all we have.

But that is enough, because it acknowledges what is ultimately true, and who is really in charge of everything, and who will win in the end of time as we know it.

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