Proverbs 24:10,16
If you give up when trouble comes, it shows that you are weak. Even though good people may be bothered by trouble seven times they get back up every time, but the wicked are overwhelmed by trouble.
The difference between a failure and a successful person is that the successful person gets back up every time after falling. The failure stays down, where it is easy. Where growth of character does not occur. Where maturing cannot happen.
Accept the fact that you will get knocked down often. Everyone does, whether you see it or not. They do. I’ve met many people who everyone thought had it all together. And they sure didn’t. No one has it all together. That hip-looking beauty up there singing Sunday morning has his/her demons, believe me. Take everyone you have on a pedestal down, right now. Once you accept that all of this is part of life, you can have some motivation to keep dusting yourself off and get going again.
Strong people see obstacles as opportunities for growth. They get to the point of welcoming them because their desire is growth, to become better, more effective human beings.
And remember, it is OK to be weak, for that is a good place to be to enter God’s kingdom. But I do not believe YHWH wants you to STAY in that weakened state. You may be a royal wuss entering boot camp, but you won’t be when you leave. You’ve got to get fit for the fight.
Luke 10:25-28
“Teacher, what should I do to inherit the life of the coming age?”
“Well,”replied Jesus, “what is written in the law? What’s your interpretation of it?”
“You shall love the Lord your God,” he replied, “with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your understanding; and your neighbor as yourself.”
“Well said!” replied Jesus. “do that and you will live.”
We really complicate things, don’t we?
Do this and you will live.
Jesus said that.
The One we follow.
The One that matters.
The enfleshed LOGOS.
Why do we make it more complex?
Perhaps we don’t believe it or have a real sense of it, that concentrating on these two things will give us life.
Have you ever imagined life if you truly loved God with every ounce of your being? And if you sincerely loved every person you had any contact with? What would that be like?
Do you think you would still worry about stuff? Or get mad at people? Or be impatient? Or be discontent? Or complain?
I genuinely believe that if we work toward these two things only, that all of the rest of our life will fall in line. Everything else will automatically follow along and you will have peace. You will participate in the healing of the world.
It is like a loving God to have the only requirement be something that every single person created is capable of. You can be illiterate, in a wheelchair, mentally ill, whatever, and still love God and others.
You must start there to get anywhere.
The people I know who love God greatly do not complain or whine. They live in His love and trust in His care.