June 1 / Proverbs 1 / Luke 18


Proverbs 1:22

How long, o simple ones, will you love being simple?

How long will you keep trusting yourself and the world’s “experts” over God’s proven wisdom?

How long will your pride and ego keep you from asking for help and direction?

How long will you delay surrendering to God who is perfect love? The One Who is the universe’s greatest expert on….you?

“How long?” is a good question. A good way to think about it.

How long will you hold that non-God in such high, idolotrous regard and look to it for satisfaction and meaning? Another year? Another two years? Perhaps just one more month I will use gossip to make myself feel better and not think of my own issues. Just six more weeks of defending every wrong thing I do, then I’m done! It sounds ridiculous when put that way. Maybe that was the author’s intent-to let us hear the utter ridiculosity of our attempts to save ourselves.

We can’t do it. We have no answer but Jesus.

In Christ Alone.

When will we finally stop trying to save ourselves and realize we are royally screwed without a supernatural savior?

Stop trying harder.



Put yourself before God, asking for help for everything everyday and believe He is for you and will deliver strength to you in any situation.

What other alternative is there?

Will power?

Shoooooooooooot. Who hasn’t tried that guaranteed-to-fail-everytime technique?

Admit you’re only capable of producing excrement, then ask for divine assistance believing YHWH will deliver it. I know it sounds kinda dark and depressing, but honestly, it’s quite liberating and delightful.

Luke 18:1-8

Then Jesus used this story to teach his followers that they should always pray and never lose hope.

Never lose hope. Keep praying, day and nite.

God is for us.

God is kind.

God is omnipotent.

Keep praying.

Keep hope alive no matter what.

Last nite Baher Malek, our dear brother,  responded to questions after being in a coma and non-responsive for 39 days.

We’ve been praying day and nite, many of us. Not losing heart. Hoping in our good God. Believing He hears the cry of His people.

Never lose hope.

There’s nothing worse than having no hope.

Praise YHWH.


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