January 15 / Proverbs 15 / Matthew 15


Proverbs 15:28

The mind of the righteous ponders how to answer

This is my desire. I’ve read that whenever anyone asked author Dallas Willard a question, there was always a long pause. Starting with a long, thoughtful pause would be good for us. I’m making a conscious effort to seek Holy Spirit’s wisdom and insight before spouting off all I know!

Matthew 15:1-20

“you make God’s word null and void because of your tradition”

Don’t do anything just because you should do it. Do everything out of love for God. Do only what emanates from your center, after training your center to love and seek God above all else in the world.

Don’t go to church because you should. Go because you love to be around God’s people, because of your deep need for the encouragement godly people bring in our lives.

Don’t read the Bible because you’re suppose to. Read it to get to know God more deeply. You have the power to make God’s words null and void, or else a Tree of Life!

Don’t pray because you have to. Pray in order to cultivate intimacy with Daddy by just talking to Him about your day, about your life, about your worries, about your joys.

Do nothing in order to just get it done. Do nothing merely because you’re suppose to. As a friend of mine once wisely advised me, “Don’t should all over yourself.”

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