April 4 / Proverbs 4 / Matthew 4

Country road and yellow field

Proverbs 4:18-19

You ever stop to think about how much more work it is to live for yourself than to live for God?

There’s so much to keep up with that you put on yourself. That’s why Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He is the light, and His ways are clear. There’s no pressure. You don’t have to prove yourself, because you’re already “in” with God as proven by Jesus’ dying for you (for us) while we had absolutely nothing to offer.  Do you believe this with your thought life? That God saw you worth dying for in order to be close to Him? (Perhaps you need to take that can of “Shame-Away” and spray yourself down today.)

Living for God, keeping Him first in your thought life and daily priorities, can be compared to driving down a country road on a clear, sunny day with little to no traffic. The path is clear, the scenery is beautiful and able to be taken in, and there’s little anxiety thanks to the simplicity of focus on the road that is afforded you.

Living for self, apart from God, is more like driving at nite with no street lights and at least one headlight out, as well as a plethora of crazy drivers out on the road.

Matthew 4:22

Immediately thy left their boat, and their father, and followed Him.

What are you not willing to leave behind to follow Jesus fully?

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