Romans 8:26-28
In the same way, too, the spirit comes alongside and helps us in our weakness. We don’t know what to pray for as we ought to; but that same spirit pleads on our behalf, with groanings too deep for words. And the Searcher of Hearts knows what the spirit is thinking, because the spirit pleads for God’s people according to God’s will.
We know, in fact, that God works all things together for good to those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.
A couple of months ago, I asked Zayra what I should write about, and she gave me a very nice sermonette. Last nite, I was again wondering what to write about for today. Sometimes there’s so much floating around in my mind, that I don’t know what to land on. So this time I asked Gabriela what she thought I should write about. I really like what she said, therefore, I will share it with y’all wonderful people.
We’d just finished a mean game of “Ballit.” This is a game we made up in which I sit on the floor and throw a racquetball against the wall, while Gaby and Zayra have to run across the path in harm’s way and not get hit by the ball. Gaby was talking about what it is to be a sore loser, thus the title above, which she came up with.
Alrighty then, here are her laconic words:
If you pray about something you want to happen, but God answers it in a different way, you shouldn’t be mad at God or blame Him just because He chose the better way for you…which may not be the way that you had planned or even wanted it to be. God knows what we need more than we do.