November 15 / Proverbs 15 / Luke 2

Proverbs 15:7

Wise people use their words to spread knowledge.

Do you do this?  Do you spread truth and goodness with every interaction?

Proverbs 15:22

Plans fail without good advice, but they succeed with the advice of many others.

I am beyond blessed with a plethora of wise counsel in my life.  If I make a dumb decision, it is sooo my own fault for not consulting the wise, godly people I have around me.

The devil loves it when you isolate yourself.  That’s when you’re weak and stupid.

Luke 2:19,51

Mary is such a wonderful example for us.  How can you not love this woman?

She treasured these things and pondered them in her heart.

That’s so it, right?  Do you find yourself doing your “One Minute Devotional” then quickly moving on?  Or maybe you do the “Zero Minutes With God” gift edition devotional…That’s a pretty crappy publication…I saw it once…

Treasure everything from God.  Treasure His word.  Ponder it in your heart all day.  He gives life thru His word.

Taking ten or twenty minutes everyday to just sit and think of God is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

Luke 2:52

Jesus grew wiser as He grew taller, gaining favor both with God and with people.

We are made to grow, to create, to gain wisdom, to know God more everyday–not to remain stagnant.  Or one of my favorite lines, to “tread water in a sea of mediocrity.”  We were made for so much more!

Are you growing in some intentional way everyday?

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