John 21:15-17
The beauty of restoration.
3 denials are healed with 3 affirmations.
God can and desires to restore and heal all of our wrongs and hurts.
He will never reject a contrite heart that approaches Him. But you must come to Him, for He is the only true healer of hearts.
And yes, there is some pain in the healing because of having to face our hurt, but it only leads to a greatness beyond our thinking.
3 bold faced denials of our Lord were healed, and that restoration led to the establishment of what we call the Church.
Nothing is beyond Yahweh’s healing, but it is conditional upon our contrition it seems.
A humble approach to His presence is more powerful than anything we can possibly do in our own strength.
Proverbs 28:23
Those who correct others will later be liked, more than those who give false praise.
“You’ll thank me later.”
Remember that phrase?
Back when I was a personal trainer, my clients did not like me very much when we were in the middle of intense training. They gave me dirty looks, yelled at me, cursed my name, etc. But later they thanked me. In fact, they actually paid me for this “punishment.” Why? Because I pushed them to growth and to become better, faster, stronger.
You know what no client ever thanked me or paid me for? Sitting around on the exercise equipment for an hour while I told them how good they look and how awesome they are. Although now that I think about it, I wonder if people would pay me for that now…
Anyway, you get the point.
Proverbs 28:26
Those who trust in themselves are foolish, but those who live wisely will be kept safe.