January 11 / Proverbs 11 / Matthew 11

heart uphill

Proverbs 11:12

Whoever belittles another lacks sense, but an intelligent person remains silent.

“Silence is a spiritual discipline to be practiced not just in meditation when we are alone and listening for God’s guiding voice, but also when we are with others and need to hold back words that are harsh, hurtful, or boastful.”

-From The Spiritual Formation Bible

Belittling or despising someone backfires horrendously from its obvious intent to elevate yourself and debase the other. The actual result of this senseless action is the revelation your own stupidity, for we are all connected and made up of the same stuff. None of us has the corner market on awesomeness. Your own imperfection is highlighted by your voiced lack of understanding. So let’s just stop putting people down, and therefore drawing attention to our lack of sense with the sirens of stupidity, from this day forth.

Matthew 11:28-30

“Are you having a real struggle? Come to me! Are you carrying a big load on your back? Come to me-I’ll give you a rest! Pick up my yoke and put it on; take lessons from me! My heart is gentle, not arrogant. You’ll find the rest you deeply need. My yoke is easy to wear; my load is easy to bear.” [Kingdom New Testament]

Interestingly, I just read something about this very passage yesterday. What is not typically given in reference to this popular section of Scripture is its context. Jesus was talking to people bearing the heavy burden of harsh, demanding religion. He had just been rejected in several cities, even after performing many great signs, because of their prevailing view of God and religion.

Jesus invited them and invites us to lay down our heavy burdens of man-made religion that is not of Him, even if it does have His name attached to it. (You’ve probably heard the phrase “Christian in name only”) He gives rest to your soul, not stress or demand.

True religion calls you to God Himself.

It was difficult for many in these cities, as it is for many of us today to turn away from our deeply embedded false narratives of God that come via our families, culture, and religious backgrounds. But when you do give it up, the freedom is exhilarating. Discovering the true Jesus will always give peace, joy, and rest to your soul. It is beyond wonderful, and there is no turning back to the back-breaking demands of burdensome religion after you have truly tasted and seen that the Lord is good [Psalm 34:8].


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