Groping & Finding

Acts 17:27

God wanted them to ·look for [seek] him and perhaps ·search all around for [grope for; reach out to; feel their way towards] him and find him, though he is not far from any of us:

~Expanded Bible

God made us humans with the intent for us to seek after who we came from, and “find” Him, connecting ourselves to Him in such a way that we are one with Him.

His creation is testament to His existence, providence, awesomeness, and care—though finding Him in this way is a little like groping around in the dark.

But with the light of the Gospel, repentance, and belief in the resurrection of Jesus and complete trust in Him, we find Him with a much fuller comprehension of just who He is, experiencing Him at the deeper level I believe He intends for us.

Without these elements of light, we remain groping in the dark.

Let us remember this Memorial Day the many martyrs for Christ who have given their life for the sake of this Gospel light—from Stephen who was stoned to death in the first century to Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was executed in the 20th century to 85 year old priest Jacques Hamel who was murdered during Mass in 2016…

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