4.28.15–>”A Subtle but very real distraction from God’s Presence”


1 Corinthians 7:35

I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.


Oddly, something that can distract us from God’s Presence, is the very practicing of God’s Presence.

It is easy, because of the subtlety of it, to be more focused on the practice than on God. 

We want to be extremely clear that it is our hope that these daily meditations are a catalyst to bring you closer to the person, Jesus Christ. We never want or intend to bring more focus on some discipline than on God. Every rhythm suggested has the point of unity with God. That is the end to which these means point.

Turning the mind to God. Turning your heart toward Jesus, your soul to the Holy Spirit. There is nothing greater than this! May we never get caught up in terminology or “things we have to do.” May we get caught up in Christ alone. It is all about seeking Him.

If, let’s say, I am focused more on the order or method of Lectio Divina then on God Himself within it, then I have missed the point, and it has become a notch above pointless. I say a notch above because hey, you’re still reading the word of God, am I right?

Someone has said that nothing can take us away from the love of God like service to God. We can be so into the service that we are not into God–this is the danger to watch out for.

I love love love Thomas Merton’s picture of this. Contemplation (connecting to God) is the spring, action is the stream. The stream always flows from the spring. The spring is, therefore, much more important. Without connecting to God, it is just a matter of time and willpower before we burn out.

And may we never forget the wisdom Yoda gave when Luke asked if the dark side was stronger:

“No! No. No. Quicker, easier, more seductive.”

One of the “101s” of prayer is to check yourself to make sure that, during your prayer, you are thinking more about who you are talking with (God) than the actual content itself of what you are saying. Again, this is just subtle enough to easily throw you off track.

To make this extremely simple for myself, I make it my goal each day to think about and talk with God more than I think about or talk with anybody else.

I Love You!


In the Name of Jesus,
Soli Deo Gloria

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