3.25.15–>”Some Simple Reminders on Prayer”

A Short Reminder


Luke 11:1

One time Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of His followers said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray as John taught his followers.”

✙ Remember that prayer is two way communication
  •  Imagine a friendship with someone who doesn’t return your calls, but calls you every couple of weeks or so only to ask you for something, be it advice, to borrow something, babysit their children…
  • God desires a ceaseless conversational relationship with you. It’s as if He is saying, “I am with you, will you be with me?”

✙ It is good for prayer to be specific and persistent, carried out until it is answered

See Luke 11:5-13

If we pray in this manner, I believe one of two things will happen: God will either grant your request, or show you something better than what you requested. Oh, and your heart will probably change!

(Not sure where my bullet points went)

✙ 7 Hindrances to Prayer

➀ Asking amiss to fulfill your own pleasures ~James 4:3

“The true purpose in prayer is that God may be glorified in the answer.” -R.A. Torrey

➁ Habitual sin ~Isaiah 59:1-2

➂ Idols in the heart – Anything that takes the place of God, that is the supreme object of our affection. ~Ezekiel 14:3

➃ Shutting your ears to the cry of the poor        ~Proverbs 21:13

➄ An unforgiving spirit  ~Mark 11:25

➅ Wrong relation between husband and wife
~I Peter 3:7

➆ Doubt, lack of faith ~James 1:5-7



For Further Reading:

“The Practice of the Presence of God” Brother Lawrence

“Letters From a Modern Mysitc” Frank Laubach

“The School of Prayer” Andrew Murray

“How to Pray” R.A. Torrey

“Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home” Richard Foster

“Sanctuary of the Soul” Richard Foster

“Life With God” Richard Foster

“Answers to Prayer” George Müeller
In the Name of Jesus,
Soli Deo Gloria

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