2.24.15–>”A Better Hope”


Hebrews 7:18-19

What is happening here is that the previous commandment is being set aside. It was, after all, weak and useless; the law brought nothing to perfection, did it? Instead, what appears is a better hope, through which we draw near to God.

The old covenant of law and priesthood simply could not and did not bring about God’s ultimate relational aim for His people.With Jesus as High Priest forever, from whom life can never be taken, God introduces a better hope –a means to achieve His desired aim for relationship with His people–since we are offered a perpetual basis for drawing near to God.

Jesus is the way to nearness with God. For Jesus has gone and been where no human has gone and been. He has accomplished what no human has or can accomplish. What no system can accomplish.

The old way has been annulled. Jesus is the law, priest forever, and the temple.

Seeking God through any other means is futile, whether we know it or not. If you’re seeking God through means other than the One He provided to connect you directly to Him, then you are wasting your time and spinning your wheels in weak, useless, ineffective efforts.

It’s kinda like if you have close friends who live in Japan, and because they want to see and be with you all the time, they buy you a “Forever” plane ticket (it’s like a forever stamp, get it?), so that you can come out to visit any time you want. But instead of using this generous means they provided, you elect to take the much more efficient and effective route of hitchhiking to California and swimming across the Pacific.

In the Name of Jesus,
Soli Deo Gloria

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