Yesterday at the gym Ana (mi esposa) got done before me, and said she’d be waiting out front, no rush. I finished up, walked outside, looked left, looked right–no Ana to be seen. “Where the heck did she go off to?” I wondered. Car was locked and I had the key, so she wasn’t in there. Then suddenly I heard her voice very close to me: “Hey there, how was your workout?” Still not seeing her, the audio seemed to be coming from the potted shrub about eight inches away to my left. Was I having a burning bush experience?? Does Yahweh sound just like my wife?? I then took a half step forward and saw Ana, clearly, sitting in a lawn chair directly behind the shielding greenery. She was two feet away from me the whole time and I didn’t even realize it.
A significant portion of the spiritual life/journey/battle is the removal of obstacles. Jesus is always right there next to you. Even closer than right next to you.
What is in the way?
What’s blocking your view?
It could be a mind filled with worries, what-ifs, and the cares of this world.
Maybe it’s the “Weapons of Mass Distraction“–Facebook, YouTube, & Netflix.
Some obsess over work, or give too much attention to politics.
Is it an inordinate pursuit of comfort?
You could be a “What’s next?” person instead of a “What’s now?” person, missing the present moment.
Perhaps you don’t need to do more, but rather need to remove whatever inhibitors are shielding your view of God with you right now.