Proverbs 5:12-13
You will say, “How I hated discipline!
If only I had not ignored all the warnings!
Oh, why didn’t I listen to my teachers?
Why didn’t I pay attention to my instructors?
You don’t have to be that person who loses almost everything because you hated being told what to do.
You would not listen to correction.
You would not listen to your teachers or pay attention to your instructors.
God is teaching you thru so many means, so many people, perhaps ones you don’t even like. But listen anyway. Listen to and for God’s instruction thru them. If it helps, just listen to God and not them if they annoy you that much. It’s amazing how this changes your attitude toward someone! I believe Hannah [The Holy Spirit] is always speaking to us thru people and circumstances. Don’t miss great instruction just because you don’t care for someone. This is humbling, which is good, for God gives grace to the humble and draws close to them. He resists the proud.
Mark 8:33
“Get behind me, Accuser! You’re thinking human thoughts, not God’s thoughts.”
People are miserable when they’re focused on themselves and mere human thoughts.
People are joyful when they are focused on God, confident He knows what He is doing and is capable of carrying anything out He wants. And what He wants is always our good.
To think on God is to think the highest possible thoughts. Why think on anything less? Why aim lower?
I’ve always thought that if I decide to start using drugs, I’m just gonna start with shooting straight up heroin, you know? Go right to the hardcore, skip the amateur stuff. I mean, why waste time messing around with anything beneath the most powerful?
John 8:34-35
Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, everyone who lives in sin is a slave to sin. A slave does not stay with a family forever, but a son belongs to the family forever.”
Living for God and people outside yourself is the only way to live a fulfilling life.
Trying to make everything happen the way you want so you can be happy has not ultimately worked out that I’ve ever heard of. By trying to satisfy yourself, you actually become more empty, due to our design by our Creator. Conversely, living to please God is always, continually fulfilling. Living for God’s purposes paradoxically satisfies the self by forgetting the self.
Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart’s desires.
Take your primary delight in people or things and you might get your heart’s desires some of the time and some of the time you get your heart broken and sometimes you end up angry, empty, bitter, let down, disgusted…
Delight yourself first and foremost in God Himself, not what He can do for you. How can one be disappointed when their source of their happiness is infinite love?