August 31 / Proverbs 31 / Luke 18


Proverbs 31:25

Strength and honor are her clothing; she laughs at the future.

We know the future brings uncertainty, difficulties, and obstacles, yet this woman is so confident in her wisdom (implying a relationship with YHWH), that she is able to laugh without fear at it.

She is ready because she has rooted herself in what is good and lasting.

As Psalm 1 tells us, spiritual development and freedom come from journeying on the right path (a long obedience in the same direction), and being rooted in God as our source of energy and the good ways He has gifted us indicating how we may rightfully navigate reality in our real lives now, day to day.

*Interesting note, I just read that Psalm 112 is the male counterpart to this poem of Proverbs 31:10-31. Never knew that.

Luke 18:1-8

The parable of the persistent widow.

Will the Son of Man find faith on earth?

Jesus tells His disciples to not lose heart no matter how things look, no matter how long justice seems to take according to our finite minds.

Will you stay faithful to YHWH and anticipate His justice despite great injustice such as this Isis evil?  Will you remain true to the end, believing in the second coming and new heavens and earth?

We don’t talk of this as much these days it seems, but this is what Jesus appears to be indicating here–to be faithful and persistent to the one true good God in the face of what is so horrible and seemingly never ending. Do not grow weary in doing good or in prayer. The importance of prayer is stressed in this passage by Jesus Himself. Persistent prayer is powerful in ways we probably don’t even know, not least of which is the changing of our own hearts.

I believe so much of Scripture is about trusting God no matter what. Trust in the midst of whatever is going on, good or bad, is key to living the Christian life. Trust implies that you are acknowledging God’s presence and care. He is for us, no matter how dark it appears.

Will He find us faithful until He returns?

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